Saturday, August 03, 2013

Get up. Stand up. Yes, you.

I have spent many, many hours, which translates to hundreds of kilometers, riding my bicycle around the county roads of rural Alberta. It's field after field of genetically modified organisms (GMO's), being repeatedly sprayed with a toxic chemical cocktail (made largely of petroleum byproducts), which feed us, our families and the livestock that ends up on your dinner table. Amongst nearly every farmer's crop is an oil or gas well. Often both. At night, huge flames light up the skyline, flaring off the waste gases from the wells. It stinks. In more than one way. 

It's evident to me that the oil and gas industry has an upper hand, and that BIG agriculture has the other upper hand. They're giving each other a big, sweaty high five right over top of Alberta's heartland.  I would even go as far as saying that they have a secret handshake, and a treehouse where they meet with the banks, insurance agencies, public health providers, government "officials", pharmaceutical companies...and Walmart (to name a few). I am yet to actually document this...but stay tuned. 

What I'm getting at here is that every choice YOU make (by using your inner wisdom...yup. it's in you. I promise.) that uninvolves all of these huge organizations brings you one step closer to your innate birthright of freedom.  

(Canada, don't fool yourself, most of the same things apply to us too.)

For me, things like riding a used bicycle, growing my own food, bartering (really?! Yes!) educating myself on natural health solutions, supporting small local merchants and most of all, speaking to other people about what I believe and about my hopes for a better tomorrow are bringing me ever closer to the life I imagine for our future generations. 

There is a big difference between being awake and aware of what is really happening in the world (starting in your own home) and then actually doing something about it.  So many folks say "I don't want to know! I'm happier not knowing." Or "I can't make a difference anyway." Then there are those who say "well, I sure do my part! I recycle!" Or "I use a cloth grocery bag".  Well, don't get me wrong, those things are great, but honestly folks, that simply is not enough to turn this sinking ship we call humanity around!

We North Americans (and probably all corporate-run countries) have a tendency to pack every moment of our day so full that we won't take the time to notice the bigger picture. We are so absorbed in work and "obligations" (or so we like to tell ourselves) and made-up busy stuff. Working day and night to earn enough for that shiny new vehicle and that all-inclusive holiday and toys and new clothes and appliances  and...and...AND....when is enough going to be enough? 

In 10 years of not owning a television, I have been able to think for myself, have more free time, get outdoors, meet new people, find out what really matters to me (and to others) speak my truth and make a difference, even if it's a small one. The down side of not having a tv is.......(*crickets chirping*.....)

Do yourself and your families a HUGE favor and get rid of your bossy talk box.  Your kids will probably cry. Maybe for days or even weeks. It's called withdrawal. TV and video games (and smart phones, iPads, etc) are a serious addiction. They will recover and on the other side, they will become happier, healthier, less moody, more creative, more active, more like kids are supposed to be! These things are robbing us humans of so many key components of thriving!  Not to mention that no matter how you slice it and dice it and try to justify it, you are being told what to think, how to act and what to consume consciously and subconsciously every single time you turn these things on. And pleeeeeease don't give your electronics to someone else! They need to wake up too! Smash them with a baseball bat and/or chuck it into the local electronics reclamation site (making darn sure that it shatters and is unfixable). I'm serious. Help yourself. Help your loved ones to break the cycle of a mindless existence. Get outdoors. It's nature...natural. Where we are supposed to be. 

Once you have started doing these things, we can make up our own secret handshake and build our own tree houses and enjoy the beauty and freedom we deserve. I don't know about you, but when I was born, I don't recall signing anything that said I agreed to taxation, vaccination, food poisoning, or slavery. We have all come to accept this as normal. Just like our parents did and their parents did. Well it's not normal. So stand up and speak up. Start living. 

Ps. On a lighter note, check out this super creative music video about living simply. And riding a bike. Love it!

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