Saturday, July 27, 2013

Living for love. Loving your life.

One of my passions is helping other people to help themselves. Maybe they're stuck in a quicksand career, in a relationship that just doesn't fit, or regularly finding themselves in a conflict with one person or another. Some folks just feel lost altogether and don't know what to do!

Well, recently, after a move to remote northern Alberta, I was feeling out of sorts. A friend gave me a book, which I enjoyed cover-to-cover, but one simple exercise stood out and it has shifted my life in a big way. I have shared my own version of this idea with a few close pals who needed a boost. I don't think there is a single person out there who's life won't change for the better from this idea:

Choose a quiet place to sit down with a piece of paper and a pen (dig in your junk drawer, you must have these somewhere! :). Make a list of everything that you LOVE. List the things that make your spirit smile, Or make you feel joyful and light-hearted, or laugh like a child again. Write down the things that make you feel like YOU!  Start with the obvious ones, then dig deeper. They can be anything from sunsets to biking, ice cream, butterflies, sports, visiting with pals, walking your dog or giving hugs. I have even been adding more things each week that I forgot that I love! (P.S. make sure you realllllly love these things and that they aren't things your partner loves or even worse, things you are obligated to do!) Some of these things may only be  achievable once or twice a year. Oh, and cover all seasons!

Ok. Once you have your list, post it somewhere that you will look at it every single morning. Now make it your priority to do at least two of these things (more would be amazing!) Every. Single. Day. I have been adding check marks next to the things that I do each day. This way I can see which ones I am doing (usually the easiest to fit in) and can see which of my loves I am still neglecting to gift to myself, and making them happen. 

In a matter of a few days, I felt more like myself again. I felt empowered, uplifted and free. Too many of us put ourselves last every day and eventually, we feel exhausted, grumpy, depleted and generally unhappy...even resentful! None of these things are beneficial to us or our loved ones. 

Make yourself your own priority. We all deserve it. I would love to hear how this idea has helped you in your daily life. After all, you're the only one who knows what you really need to be your most vibrant and wonderful self.  <3

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